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Unmatched Quality

is at the heart of everything we do. 


ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System

ISO 9001 provides the framework for Trace Zero's establishment of processes that ensure consistent product quality, customer satisfaction and regulatory compliance. Our certification to ISO9001 demonstrates our unwavering commitment to unmatched quality and continuous improvement.


Business Continuity 

Trace Zero understands the semiconductor requirements for business continuity planning. Our production processes each feature a full suite of like in kind replacement parts. With dual sourced bill of materials, where possible, our production can stay online where others see delays. Our building even features 24/7 backup power generation capability.


Customer Service

Our customers deserve the highest level of support, and we work tirelessly to maintain those standards. The needs and requirements of the semiconductor industry is at the heart of everything that we do. Our products are custom labeled to meet exact customer requirements. Our laboratory regularly shares methodology to align to customer or 3rd party labs. 


Onsite Metrology

Trace Zero's state of the art laboratory capabilities provide real time process feedback. The accuracy and precision of our laboratory methods are verified using SEMI C1 and SEMI C10 guidelines. [Gage R&R, MDL] Monitors via second source stability standards are created for each product. Six-Sigma statistical process control drive continuous improvement for laboratory and production processes alike. 

Product Development 

From scale laboratory testing, to pilot scale sampling, through final commercialization.


Laboratory Scale

Our processes begin in our laboratory where our pilot scale can emulate production volumes at 1:10,000 scale.
Our laboratory features state of the art techniques and equipment to bring ideas to proof of concept.  
Our laboratory methods are validated in accordance to SEMI C1 specifications. We pride ourselves on our rapid proof of concept response times typically measured in days. 


Pilot Sampling

Pilot scale capabilities bridge the gap between laboratory research and final commercialization. 
Scale up studies evaluate how the process performs, identifying and fine tuning key process parameters. Process testing is validated to assess feasibility and efficiency. Manufacturing steps are documented to ensure materials are produced the same way every time. 

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Final Commercialization

Fully commercialized products are developed and purified in their own independent processing systems.

All equipment is maintained with like in kind replacement and dual sourced material supply chains where possible. Commercialized products are regularly audited by our quality team to meet six-sigma process control. With long term forecasting we are able to utilize Just in Time Production planning to maximize shelf life. 

Production Process Control

Process monitored and controlled to ensure long term stability, address variation and, drive continuous improvement

Quality Control

Control of process through six sigma statistical control system. 

Process Documentation

Each lot thoroughly documented and inspected to guarantee conformance.

Team Review

Process outputs regularly reviewed with stakeholders. We welcome regular customer audit and site review.

Superior Traceability

Trace Zero produces all material with full traceability in mind. From inspection of raw materials prior to entering the production process, to final delivery to our customer. Each piece of the production process is documented and tracked extensively. Trace Zero can complete product investigations with rapid response times. We welcome customer site audits for continuous improvement.

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